Inspired by the beauty of their natural surroundings
and an ethos of care and dedication, the Celtic monks of the 6th century
St Molings monastery in south Carlow produced the Book of Moling, a
book of great craftsmanship and artistic achievement. A product of this
same environment Molings Traditional Celtic Beer is brewed with the
same care and dedication and strives for the same achievement. Molings
is a fruity and aromatic beer with a distinctive coffee like finish.
The traditional hop flavour balances the sweet malty caramel taste.
Brewed with pale malt , torrified wheat crystal malt and generous portion
of roasted barley, Molings is an excellent accompaniment to roast dishes.
Alcohol 4.3%. Country Eire
Unusual quality brews from the Carlow Brewery at Carlow in Southern
Ireland reflecting the long brewing traditions now recreated and exported
all over the world